Body Work -
based on the Grinberg method
The grinberg method is a way of learning with and through the body. Everyday life can be lived much more actively and vividly through a body that develops more and more energy and attention.
Current offer for individual body work sessions:
*** Springtime Offer ***
A budget-friendly Grinberg Bodywork Session in March 2025 |
To get to know and try out my bodywork (according to the grinberg method) I would like to offer you a first grinberg session at a price of 60 Euro until the end of March. This bodywork session will take around 75 minutes and includes a foot analysis. Subsequent sessions have a duration of 60 minutes.
If you would like to know more about the process and the content of a bodywork session, please get in touch, I'm happy to answer your questions. Further informations on my site: Body work based on the grinberg method.
When to start a learning process?
There can be various circumstances, where you would like to work actively on a change in your life.
The main goal of the grinberg method is the recognition and the learning, with the question in mind: "whereby could the pain and tensions manifest in our body?"
A learning process of the grinberg method can bring changes to your life concerning different situations - e.g. moments of your life, where you suffer from pain or tensions in your body, like:
- Back pain
- Abdominal pain
- Headache, migraine, tinnitus
- Digestive or sleeping disorders
- Pain / tenseness on shoulders and neck
- Joint pain - e.g. on hips, elbows or knees
The following link provides more information about 'dealing with (chronic) pain' in the context of the grinberg method and my body work.
A starting point for a grinberg process...
can be, for example, the following circumstances in your everyday life:
- Being under stress at work or due to social obligations.
- You experience recurring moods, habits or situations that you want to change.
- Your thoughts are taking over - you want more stillness and clarity in your mind and a clearer experience of your whole body and environment.
- You have a desire for new challenges in your career, but a lack of new ideas and perspectives.
More information about the course of an individual process (also in relation to online or telephone sessions) and prices can be found under Learning Process.
Let your body work...
If you would like to give it a try, please contact me by email: mail [ at ], by phone: 0177-3296406 or use the contact form.
The bodywork sessions take place at Schliemannstr. 34, 10437 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg and at Körper Raum Mitte, Neue Jakobstraße 1-3, 10179 Berlin - Mitte.
In case you do not live in Berlin or are currently on a trip, I also offer the possibility of an online session or a telephone session.
I look forward to hearing from you, but most importantly -
Take care and stay healthy!
Susanne Kohl
Disclaimer - about the Grinberg Method:
The grinberg method is a methodology of attention, which teaches through expanding and focusing body attention. It does not claim to heal, to be an alternative medicine, a massage therapy, or to be considered among the helping professions. It is not intended for persons suffering from conditions considered life threatening, or for those with conditions or serious illnesses that require medical or psychiatric attention. Moreover, it is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of required treatment. The method has no ideological or mystical basis and does not demand any particular lifestyle.